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一选择题(每题只选一个答案,每题1.5分) 1.有关DNA链的描述哪条不对 A.DNA是由很多脱氧单核苷酸形成的多核苷酸 B.Da5端是OH基,3端是磷酸 CDNA一级结构的书写为P: pACTGAC D单核苷酸之间通过磷酸二酯键相连 E.dna一级结构是指aMP dGMPdCMP dTMP的排列
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真核生物的基因组(重点) 真核生物基因表达调控的特点和种类(熟悉) 真核生物DNA水平上的基因表达调控(重点) 真核生物转录水平上的基因表达调控(重点) 真核生物其他水平上的基因表达调控(熟悉)
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基因表达调控的基本概念 原核基因调控机制 乳糖操纵子 色氨酸操纵子 其他操纵子 转录后水平上的调控
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一、基因表达调控的基本概念 二、原核基因调控机制 三、乳糖操纵子 四、色氨酸操纵子 五、其他操纵子 六、转录后水平上的调控
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现代科学认为,疾病的发生直接或间接与基因有关 经典单基因病 人类疾病都是:“基因病”多基因病 获得性基因病。经典单基因病:主要病因是某个基因位点上产生
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一、基因与基因表达的一般概念 二、遗传密码三联子 三、密码子和反密码子的相互作用 四、tRNA 五、AA-tRNA合成酶 六、核糖体 七、信使核糖核酸 八、蛋白质的生物合成 九、氨基酸及功能蛋白质合成后的修饰 土、蛋白质的运输和降解
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▪ 真核基因结构与转录活性 ▪ 真核基因表达特点 ▪ DNA水平的调控 ▪ 转录水平的调控:顺式作用元件和反式作用 因子 ▪ 其他水平的调控:mRNA的加工、mRNA的 翻译、蛋白质加工修饰
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8.1 Introduction 8.2 Chaperones may be required for protein folding 8.3 Post-translational membrane insertion depends on leader sequences 8.4 A hierarchy of sequences determines location within organelles 8.5 Signal sequences initiate translocation 8.6 How do proteins enter and leave membranes? 8.7 Anchor signals are needed for membrane residence 8.8 Bacteria use both co-translational and post-translational translocation 8.9 Pores are used for nuclear ingress and egress 8.10 Protein degradation by proteasomes
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7.1 Introduction 7.2 Codon-anticodon recognition involves wobbling 7.3 tRNA contains modified bases that influence its pairing properties 7.4 (There are sporadic alterations of the universal code) 7.5 tRNAs are charged with amino acids by synthetases 7.6 Accuracy depends on proofreading 7.7 Suppressor tRNAs have mutated anticodons that read new codons 7.8 The accuracy of translation 7.9 tRNA may influence the reading frame
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Transfer RNA is the adapter 5.3 Messenger RNA is translated by ribosomes 5.4 The life cycle of bacterial messenger RNA 5.5 Translation of eukaryotic mRNA 5.6 The 5 end of eukaryotic mRNA is capped 5.7 The 3 terminus is polyadenylated 5.8 Bacterial mRNA degradation involves multiple enzymes
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