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题号题目 1执行下面语句后的输出为() int I=; if(<=0) printf(\****\\n\)
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Chapter Arrays Chapter 7 Arrays √ derived type; √ set of homogeneous elements; vcan be thought of as a simple variable with an index, or subscript, added. One-dimensional Arrays Two-dimensional Arrays Character Arrays
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The C Programming Language Chapter 5 Control Flow 5.1 Overview of c statements C statements: using a semicolon\ as a statement terminator Kinds of c statements
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题目 A 下列程序执行后的输出结果是
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The C Programming Language Chapter 4 Input and Output Chapter 4 Input and Output has no I/ statements √#include Standard input and output Formatted output--- Printf Formatted input--- Scanf Examples
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典型考题 [例2]以下程序的输出结果是C 10 9 (2002年4月考题) 8 765 inta=1234;
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第十章文件 12.1C文件概述 文件:存储在外部介质上数据的集合,是操作系统 数据管理的单位
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第九章预处理命令 9.1宏定义 9.2文件包含处理 9.3条件编译
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The Programming Language Chapter An Overview of C Chapter 1 An Overview of C The history of C The feature of C
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1 函数子程序 2 子例程子程序 3 实参和虚参之间的数据传送 4 程序举例
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