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---small gland: fundis gland, small intestinal gland ---large gland: salivary gland, pancreas, liver
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1. Components ---kidney : produce urine ---ureters ---bladder -cavity organs, conduct, store and ---urethra remove the urine ---functions: remove waste products of metabolism regulate the homeostasis secrete some bioactive factors- renin, erythropoietin
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1. Components ---ovary: produce ovum secrete female sex hormones ---oviduct: duct for fertilized ovum(zygote) passing through place where fertilization takes place ---uterus: organ where the fetus grow up ---vagina
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---a science which study the processes and regulations of development of human fetus.(from 1 cell(zygote) to (5-7)X1012 cells ) ---total 38 weeks: preembryonic period: before 2 weeks
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(1) extra-embryonic blood vessels ---blood island: at the middle of 3 rd week, wall of the yolk sac mesenchyma proliferate and form isolated cell clusters, the peripheral cell become flattened and differentiate into endothelial cell to from endothelial tube; central located cells are detached and develop into primitive blood cells(blood stem cell)
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一、神经管和神经嵴的发生及早期分化 1、神经管和神经嵴的发生
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一、鳃器的发生 鳃器:是鳃弓、鳃沟、咽囊和鳃膜的总称
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一、泌尿系统的发生 1、肾、输尿管:来自间介中胚层 2、膀胱、尿道:来自尿生殖窦(内胚层)
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猪细小病毒(PPV)可以引起以胚胎 和胎儿感染及死亡为特征的猪繁殖失能, 通常母猪无明显症状
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General outline small digestive glands distributed in the wall of digestive tract esophageal glands, gastric glands and intestine glands large digestive glands outside the wall of digestive tract salivary glands, liver and pancreas
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