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10.1 The Regulation of Markets and Institutions Financial system is one of most intensely regulated sectors of the U.S economy
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8.1 通货膨胀 8.2 通货紧缩
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Textbook: Principles of Money, Banking and Financial Markets- 10thed( Lawrence. Ritter, William. Silber, Gregory F. Udell, Jointly Published by Pearson Education North Asia Limited and China Higher Education Press
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Interest rate is the price of the money. .Interest rates are the most pervasive element in the financial market. Interest works both ways. .You earn interest when you save and you pay interest when you borrow
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7.1.1 reasons of the production of central bank to unite the currency clearing the lender of last resort financial supervision
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8.1 Definition of Monetary Policy Government policy concerning money and credit conditions, especially the rate of growth in the money supply and the level of interest rates
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金融学院:《货币银行学》PPT课件_第03章 信用利息与利息率
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Monetary Theory is the theory which is about the economic influences of money
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金融学院:《货币银行学》PPT课件_第01章 金融与经济
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:81KB 文档页数:11
金融学院:《货币银行学》PPT课件_第四章 习题
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