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1、在/**********found**********/的下一行改正错误。 2、将题目做完之后一定要保存。 3、不能删除/**********found**********/,也不能多行或少行
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:23.5KB 文档页数:1
#define r4.6 #define Pl3. 1415926 #define l 2*pi*r #define S pir*r
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:702.5KB 文档页数:29
CS61C L02 Number Representation (2) Garcia, Spring 2007 © UCB Great DeCal courses I supervise (2 units) UCBUGG UC Berkeley Undergraduate Graphics Group Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm in 310 Soda Learn to create a short 3D animation
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:437KB 文档页数:13
1、在/**********found**********/的下一行改正错误。 2、将题目做完之后一定要保存。 3、不能删除/**********found**********/,也不能多行或少行
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:82KB 文档页数:9
第3章顺序结构程序设计 第一课 一、教学内容: 单个字符输出、输入函数, 几个简单的C程序。 二、教学目标: 理解顺序结构程序设计的编程思路
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:312.5KB 文档页数:25
1、表达式语句: P70 2、控制语句: 3、函数调用语句:
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:23.5KB 文档页数:1
#include void maino int x= 44 printf(“使用3种格式符输出一个整型变量的地址:m”);
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:24.5KB 文档页数:1
#include void maino int x=4, y=2, Z; y+=x+3°4%5 /*将x向左移y位后的值赋给x*/
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:24.5KB 文档页数:1
#include maino int x=5, y=0, Z=6, result printf(\&&y&&z=%d\\n\,result result=x-3y‖z*5; printf(\x-3 yz*=%d\\n\, result)
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:34.5KB 文档页数:4
1. To answer correctly is more important than () A. answered quickly B. a quick answer C. quickly answered D. to answer quickly 2.It ( until dark that he realized that it was too late to return home. A. is B. wasn't C. weren''td.were3. Do you remember() Tom about this before? A. to telling B. telling C. to have told D. tell 4. Look, () A. there he goes B. there goes he C. he goes there D. he there goes.It seems difficult () A. to stop the child to crying B. to stop the child of crying C. stopping the child cry D. to stop the child from crying 6.I have never drunk ( beer in my life. A. the better one B. more best C. more better D. better
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