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Introduction (chapter objectives) Bit error rate for binary systems (unipolar, polar, bipolar, ooK, BPsK, FsK, and MSK Output signal-to-noise ratio for analog systemS(AM, SSB, PM, and Fm)
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Introduction (chapter objectives) Complex envelopes and modulated signals Spectra of bandpass signals Nonlinear distortion · Communication circuits(mixers, phase- locked loops, frequency synthesizers, and detectors) Transmitters and receivers · Software radios
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Enhancement of HIPERLaN/2 Systems using Space-Time Coding Mikael gidlund Radio Communication Systems Group Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology(KTh) SE-100 44 Stockholm. Sweden Email: mikael gidlund@mhse
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The TCP/P Protocol Suite Transmission Control Protocol Internet protocol Developed by darPa to connect Universities and Research Labs Four Layer model Applications Telnet, FTP, email, etc Transport TCP, UDP Network IP ICMP, IGMP Link
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Automatic repeat request (ARQ) Break large files into packets FILE PKT PKT PKT Check received packets for errors Use a feedback channel to request retransmissions Retransmit packets containing errors acket Receive ACK
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CSMA/CD and Ethernet Two way cable wsws Ws W CSMA with Collision Detection(CD)capability Nodes able to detect collisions Upon detection of a collision nodes stop transmission Reduce the amount of time wasted on collisions Protocol
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Cyclic Codes a cyclic code is a linear block code where if c is a codeword, so are all cyclic shifts of c E.g., 1000, 110, 101,011 is a cyclic code Cyclic codes can be dealt with in the very same way as all other lbc s Generator and parity check matrix can be found a cyclic code can be completely described by a generator string G All codewords are multiples of the generator string In practice, cyclic codes are often used for error detection(CRc) Used for packet networks When an error is detected by the received, it requests retransmission
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Noise is additional\unwanted \signal that interferes with the transmitted signal Generated by electronic devices The noise is a random process Each\sample \ of n(tis a random variable Typically, the noise process is modeled as\Additive White Gaussian noise”(AWGN) White: Flat frequency spectrur Gaussian noise distribution
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The signal suffers an attenuation loss l Received power PR= PT/L Received snr=E,/No, Eb=Pr/Rb Antennas are used to compensate for attenuation loss Capture as much of the signal as possible
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Sampling Sampling provides a discrete-time representation of a continuous waveform Sample points are real-valued numbers In order to transmit over a digital system we must first convert into discrete valued numbers
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