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Fairly primitive and predictive power limited Function Points Count number of inputs and output, user interactions, external interfaces files used Assess each for complexity and multiply by a weighting factor Used to predict size or cost and to assess project productivity
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上机要求 一、使用 Project22003 建立项目信息 增加任务
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Computer Science 6.111-Introductory Digital Sy Laborator How to Make Your 6.1ll Project Work There are a few tricks of the trade \which allow an experienced digital designer to fix problems quickly. This note is an attempt to fill you in on some with which you might not
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Topics Covered Net Present value ther Investment Criteria Project Interactions Capital Rationing IrwinMcGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001
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1989年5月,CRN通过戀国研究网(DFN)的网关与 Intern 其它厂商也在致力联网技术的研究和应用 两文笑:交位 80年代初, DARPA开始\ The Interneting Project\; 1990年10月,中国注册登记顶级域名CN 推出TCPP协议集,嵌入UNIX操作系统 因中国尚未正式接入因特网,德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学运行CN域名服务器 政府资助+商业支持+缺乏更多的选择余地等
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Outline The promise of autonomous explorers The challenge of autonomous explorers Agents great and small Course objective 1(16.410/13) Principles for Building Agents Course objective 2(16.413) Building an Agent The Mars exploration rover(MEr) project
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Measuring Beta Portfolio Betas CAPM and Expected Return Security market Line Capital Budgeting and Project Risk
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How Firms Organize Their Investment Process Some “What If” Questions Sensitivity Analysis Break Even Analysis Flexibility in Capital Budgeting Decision Trees Options
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Late homework will not be accepted. In case of illness or absence from MIT make arrangements to complete assignments with your recitation instructor Your TA will examine your project solutions and offer you feedback on them. It's your responsibility to provide clear
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1. Issued: Monday, February 7 2. To Be Completed By: Friday, February 18, 6: 00 PM
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