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1、了解土壤CaCO3测定的各种方法 2、掌握气量法测定土壤CaCO3的方法原理及测定条件。 3、掌握快速(中和)滴定法测定土壤CaCO3的方法原理及测定条件
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3.1.1厌氧生物处理的基本原理 一、厌氧生物处理的基本生物过程及其特征 一又称厌氧消化、厌氧发酵: —实际上,是指在厌氧条件下由多种(厌氧或兼性)微生物的共同作用下,使有机物分解并产生CH和 CO2的过程
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居住区是城市中集中布置建筑、公共建筑、公共绿地、生活性道路等居住设施,为城 市居民提供居住、社会活动的场所。生活居住区用地占城市用地50-60%,其绿化面积占居 住用地30-60%,一般占城市用地35%左右,是城市有机组成和基础,是城市空间的延续, 直接影响城市生态环境和居民生活质量
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例:砖墙是由一块块砖砌堆在一起,每块砖均有各自的抗拉、压、抗剪等力学性能,但组成 墙后的整体却具有墙体的特性:(承重、挡风等)围护隔热,墙体特性不同于各砖的特性,也非 各砖的简单叠加,但又和各砖的特性密切相关,是各块转的力学特性的一个有机的结合,我们能 研究每块砖的力学特性,再研究它们的组成规律,力的传递、共同作用,进而解决墙的力学特性 (功能) 对于一个结构进行分析时,可以把整体结构分成许多小单元(离散化),然后对每个小单元 进行力学分析(单元分析),最后再将这些单元按一定条件重新组合成原结构(整体分析),再进 行求解
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一、什么是珠宝玉石? 1.珠宝玉石(Gems) 珠宝玉石是指可以用来做装饰品、工艺品或纪念品的各种(含) 岩石矿物材料,是对天然珠宝玉石(包括天然宝石天然玉石 和天然有机宝石)和人工宝石(包括合成宝石、人造宝石、拼 合宝石和再造宝石)的统称,简称宝石
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first three chapters established some fundamental principles concerning the structure of organic molecules. In this chapter we begin our discussion of organic chemical reactions by directing attention to alcohols and alkyl halides. These two rank among the most useful classes of organic compounds because they often serve as starting materials for the preparation of numerous other families
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drogen peroxide is formed in the cells of plants and animals but is toxic to them. neemen Consequently, living systems hav developed mechanisms to rid themselves of hydrogen peroxide, usually by enzyme-catalyzed reduction to water. An under- standing of how reactions take place, be they reactions in living systems or reactions in
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Ikenes are hydrocarbons that contain a carbon-carbon double bond. A car- bon-carbon double bond is both an important structural unit and an important functional group in organic chemistry. The shape of an organic molecule is influ- enced by the presence of this bond, and the double bond is the site of most of the chem- ical reactions that alkenes undergo. Some representative alkenes include isobutylene(an industrial chemical), a-pinene (a fragrant liquid obtained from pine trees), and farnesene (a naturally occurring alkene with three double bonds
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he Greek word stereos means\solid, \and stereochemistry refers to chemistry in three dimensions. The foundations of organic stereochemistry were laid by Jacobus van't Hoff* and Joseph Achille Le Bel in 1874. Independently of each other, van't Hoff and Le Bel proposed that the four bonds to carbon were directed toward the cor- ners of a tetrahedron. One consequence of a tetrahedral arrangement of bonds to carbon
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H ydrocarbons that contain carbon-carbon triple bond are called alkynes. Non- cyclic alkynes have the molecular formula C, H2n-2. Acetylene (HCCH) is th simplest alkyne. We call compounds that have their triple bond at the end of a carbon chain(RC=CH) monosubstituted, or terminal, alkynes. Disubstituted alkynes (RCCR') are said to have internal triple bonds. You will see in this chapter that a car- bon-carbon triple bond is a functional group, reacting with many of the same reagents
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