文档格式:PPT 文档大小:208.5KB 文档页数:3
第1章 PowerBuilder基础 第2章 PowerBuilder对象 第3章 PowerScript语言 第4章数据库与数据窗口 第5章通讯录管理器 第6章小型财务软件 第7章电视节目脱机浏览器 第8章有线电视网管系统 第9章用机记录浏览器 第10章通用查询模块 第11章高校学生档案管理系统 第12章农业生产管理信息系统
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:245KB 文档页数:34
10.1所有者权益概述 10.2实收资本 10.3资本公积 10.4留存收益
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6.1固定资产概述 6.2固定资产的取得 6.3固定资产的折旧 6.4固定资产的修理和改扩建 6.5固定资产的处置 6.6固定资产的清查及期末计价
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2.1货币资金概述 2.2现金 2.3银行存款 2.4其他货币资金
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:492.5KB 文档页数:26
Chapter Objective This chapter provides a brief introduction to the international tax environment
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Chapter Objective This chapter discusses various issues associated withmultinational cash management
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses the cost of capital for the multinational firm
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Chapter objective This chapter discusses the impact that unanticipatedchanges in exchange rates may have on theconsolidated financial statements of the multinationalcompany
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Chapter Objectives: This chapter provides a way to measure economic exposure, discusses its determinants, and presents methods for managing and hedging economic exposure
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Chapter Objective This chapter discusses currency and interest rateswaps, which are relatively new instruments forhedging long-term interest rate risk and foreignexchange risk
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