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Java最令人心动的特性就是它的代码复用了。但是仅仅拷贝源代码再作 修改是不能被称为“革命”的 那是C之类的过程语言所采用的办法,而且也不怎么成功。就像Java里 的一切,要解决这个问题还要靠类。你可以利用别人写好的、已经测试通 过的类来创建新的类,不必一切都从零开始 这么做的诀窍就是,要在不改动原有代码的前提下使用类。本章会介绍两 种做法
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接口( interface)和内部类( inner class)提供了一种更为复杂的组织和控 制系统中对象的方法。 比方说,C++就没有这种机制,不过聪明的程序员还是能模拟出这种效 果。Java之所以会有这个特性,是因为设计人员认为它非常重要,语言 应该直接用关键词提供支持
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介绍 “他带来了语言,语言又创造了思维,而思维是衡量万物的标准 《解放了的普罗米修斯》,雪莱 人类..很大程度上是在受语言的支配,而语言也已经成为一种媒介,透过 它我们可以了解社会的方方面面。你能想象,一个人能不借助语言而完全 适应这个世界,或是仅仅把语言当作解决具体问题的交流工具和表述手段 吗?实际上,“真实世界”在很大程度上是建立在人类语言的习惯之上 的,而这又是人们没有意识到的
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一、谱图中化合物的结 构信息 structure information of compound in spectrograph 二、简化谱图的方法 methods of simpling spectrograph 三、谱图解析 spectrum unscrambling 四、谱图联合解析 deduce the structures from NMR spectrum and IR spectrum
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Marciano Siniscalchi Game Theory (Economics 514) Fall 1999 Logistics We(provisionally) meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10: 40a-12: 10p, in Bendheim 317. I will create a mailing list for the course. Therefore please send me email at your earliest convenience so I can add you to the list. You do not want to miss important announcements, do you?
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Chapter 7 Protocols for QoS Support 7.0 Increased Demands Need to incorporate bursty and stream traffic in TCPip architecture Increase capacity Faster links, switches, routers Intelligent routing policies End-to-end flow control
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Lesson two Requirements by the end of this lesson. you should be able to have a good command of L useful terms given in the lesson preparing an Englis glish business card for
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Lesson eleven Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: two different writing methods of ads
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Lesson nine Requirement By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of D e-commerce terms given in the lesson writing a brief introduction to an organization or products
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