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一、营养(Nutrition) 二、营养物(nutrient) to synthsize (build up) protoplasm to supply energy for all life processes 第一节微生物的六种营养要素 碳源 carbon source.g.,carbohydrate) 氮源 nitrogen source(e.g.protein or ammonia) 能源 Energy 生长因子 Essential metabolites(vitamins; possibly amino acids) 无机盐 Certain inorganic ions 水 Water
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重整催化剂是石油炼制工业中不可缺少的步浸出工艺,并对有关反应机理进行了探讨。 催化触媒,国内炼油重整装置较多使用铂铼催化2实验剂,从中回收Pt、Re的工艺研究较多,但工业生2.1实验原料 产中应用的主要为分步浸出法1。从1993年开 实验原料分为两种,一种为进口废催化剂 始,我们开展从废剂中回收Pt、Re的试验研究,(E-601),一种为国产的废催化剂(CB-7),载经过多种工艺选择,总结出一套综合回收铂、铼体均为Y-Al2O3,作为活性物质的铂以金属微 的工艺方法
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一.前言:三农问题的核心是农民收入问题 a.改革以来农业生产发展迅速,1978-2002间年均增长6.3%, 78-84,7.7%;85-2001,6.0%;95-02,5.75 b.城乡地区收入差距扩大引起各方重视。 78-2.4:1;85-1.7:199-2.5:1,2002-3.1:1 c.农民负担重 d.城乡差距和农民负担,反映的是农民收入增长缓慢 e.解决三农问题的目标:增加农民收入,缩小城乡和地区收入差 距,稳定、持续发展农业。 f.增加农民收入的传统思路一一对世界银行发展战略的评论 1.基础设施 2.科技、教育 3.产业结构
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5.1 串的定义 5.2 串的表示和实现 5.3 正文模式匹配
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案例之四:从传统企业走向电子商务企业的eqo365 地址(D)htt:www.ego365.com/ (D)http: //www. ego365. com/index. asp.asp 转到 易购365www.e365.com 搜索会员注册B2B 购物车 点击进入高级搜索收银食养频道 用户登录 日期:2001-12-30顾客名称:访客您是第110048位访问者本站现有商品4347种订购热线84365 会员服务: 登录名 会员信息修改 密码 忘记密码 登录注册新用户本月热销商品
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Stationary Electric Charges Coulomb's Law Electric Field Intensity E Superposition and Extented Charge Distribution Electric Potential Electric Dipole
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Experiments show that a charged particle moving in a magnetic field experiences a force F=Q(v×B) Q-the charge of the particle, v-the velocity of the particle(vector), B-the magnetic field. there is also an electric field, the force acting on the particle is F=Q(E+v×B)
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Marciano Siniscalchi October 28, 1999 Introduction [Again, by and large, I will follow OR, Chap. 8, so will keep these notes to a minimum.] Review of key definitions Recall our three payoff aggregation criteria: discounting, i.e
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This lecture presents the two main contributions of \interactive epistemology\ to the the- ory of normal-form games: a characterization of Nash equilibrium beliefs, and a full (i.e. behavioral)characterization of rationalizability. A review of the basic definitions For your convenience, summarize the essential definitions pertaining to models of interactive
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Extend Proposition 151.1 (the Perfect Folk Theorem with discounting) to arbitrary mixtures of payoff profiles of the original game G =(, (A Ui) ) Allow for both rational and real weights on the set of profiles {u(a): a E A}; note that the statement of the result will involve an approximation of the payoff profile
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