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Chapter F7 Power notes Receivables Learning objectives 1. Classification of receivables 2. Internal Control of receivables 3. Uncollectible receivables 4. Uncollectibles- Allowance Method 5. Uncollectibles- Direct Write-Off Method 6. Characteristics of notes receivable 7. Accounting for Notes Receivable 8. Balance Sheet Presentation 9. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F4 Power notes Completing the Accounting Cycle Learning Objectives 1. Work sheet 2. Financial Statements 3. Adjusting and Closing Entries 4. Accounting Cycle 5. Fiscal year 6. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F2 Power notes Analyzing Transactions Learning objectives 1. Usefulness of an Account 2. Characteristics of an Account 3. Analyzing and Summarizing Transactions 4. Illustration of Analyzing and Summarizing 5. Trial Balance 6. Discovery and Correction of Errors 7. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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18.1电导分析的基本概念 电导是电阻的倒数
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Eco514 Game Theory Forward Induction Marciano Siniscalchi January 10, 2000 Introduction One of the merits of the notion of sequential equilibrium is the emphasis on out-of- equilibrium beliefs-that is, on beliefs (about past and future play)at information sets that should not be reached if given equilibrium is played. The key insight of extensive-form analysis is that out-of-equilibrium beliefs deter
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 2: (Iterated)Best Response Operators Marciano Siniscalchi September 21, 1999 Introduction This lecture continues the analysis of normal-form games. We analyze general, non-zerosum games, emphasizing the informal\equation\: Rational Behavior+ Assumptions about Beliefs=Solution Concepts
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Introduction Ideally, the system parameters along with the signal variables have infinite precision taking any value between -oo and · In practice, they can take only discrete values within a specified range since the registers of the digital machine where they are stored are of finite length
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Analysis Analyze existing circuits to determine their function Synchronous sequential circuit The basic modeling structure Two circuit models: Mealy model& Moore model Three approach used to describe the circuit: Logic function equation
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一、谱图中化合物的结 构信息 structure information of compound in spectrograph 二、简化谱图的方法 methods of simpling spectrograph 三、谱图解析 spectrum unscrambling 四、谱图联合解析 deduce the structures from NMR spectrum and IR spectrum
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因子分析(factor analysis)是一种数据简化的技术 。它通过研究众多变量之间的内部依赖关系,探求观测数 据中的基本结构,并用少数几个假想变量来表示其基本的 数据结构。这几个假想变量能够反映原来众多变量的主要 信息。原始的变量是可观测的显在变量,而假想变量是不 可观测的潜在变量,称为因子。 例如,在企业形象或品牌形象的研究中,消费者可以 通过一个有24个指标构成的评价体系,评价百货商场的24 个方面的优劣
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