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一、认识黑客(Hacker) 黑客一词,源于英文 Hacker,原指热心于计算机技术,水平高超的电脑专家,尤其是程序设计人员
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一、对称密码体制 二、K=K,或者由其中一个很容易推出另一个。 三、特点:发送者和接收者之间密钥必须安全传送。 四、代表密码:des,idea
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实验室安全守则 实验室工作规则 意外事故的处理 实验教学的要求 实验一 闪点和燃点的测定 实验二 接地电阻的测定 实验三 着火性实验 实验四 可燃固体的燃烧实验 实验五 禁水性物质实验 实验六 超声波测厚 实验七 可燃固体氧指数的测定 实验八 气体爆炸实验 实验九 内压薄壁容器应力测定 实验十 振动与隔振实验
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学费太高、书包太沉、安全没保障、好学校难进,是不少义务教 育阶段的学生和其家长头疼的事。2月27日,首次提请全国人大常 委会审议的义务教育法修订草案将进行分组审议。2月25日,教育 部部长周济受国务院委托,对修订草案作了说明。细细解读,钱、书 包、安全和择校四大关键词引人关注
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◼ 第一节石油及制品的特性 ◼ 第二节油轮上存在的危险 ◼ 第三节油轮上有关货油安全的结构和设备 ◼ 第四节货油运输有关作业 ◼ 第五节消防 ◼ 第六节成品油运输
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◼ 第一节:危险品生产的发展 ◼ 第二节:船舶运输危险货物形式的变化 ◼ 第三节:危险品事故及原因 ◼ 第四节:安全预防措施
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• Survey authentication mechanisms • List available access control implementation options • Explain the problems encryption is designed to solve • Understand the various categories of encryption tools as well as the strengths, weaknesses, and applications of each • Learn about certificates and certificate authorities
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• Define cloud services, including types and service models • How to define cloud service requirements and identify appropriate services • Survey cloud-based security capabilities and offerings • Discuss cloud storage encryption considerations • Protection of cloud-based applications and infrastructures • Explain the major federated identity management standards and how they differ
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• Define the Internet of Things and discuss associated emerging security issues • Discuss nascent efforts to financially measure cybersecurity to make sound investment decisions • Explore the evolving field of electronic voting, which has been an important and open security research problem for over a decade • Study potential examples of cyber warfare and their policy implications
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• Define computer security as well as basic computer security terms • Introduce the C-I-A Triad • Introduce basic access control terminology • Explain basic threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks • Show how controls map to threats
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