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商法是调整市场经济的重要法律制度,发挥着其他法律部门 所不可取代的巨大作用。然而,由于我国长期受“重农抑商思想 的影响和市场经济的极端不发达,商法并未得到足够充分的发展。 直到上个世纪80年代后期,商法在我国才逐渐引起人们的重视
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McCarthy: (Mr. Chairman) ...in view of Mr. Welch's request that the information be given once we know of anyone who might be performing any work for the Communist Party, I think we should tell him that he has in his law firm a young man named Fisher whom he recommended, incidentally, to do the work on this Committee, who has been, for a number of years, a member of an organization
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sures to put an end to any kind of false some people want to make profits from We may forbid people to make their false promises such as those offered false ads, forfeit them severely, or fortify to customers by enterprises. Some other special law into effect. And what's more people want to make known to everyone why can t these people be strict with
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Coulomb’s Law Electric Field Intensity E Superposition and Extented Charge Distribution Electric Potential Electric Dipole
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Conduction of Electricity Ohm’s Law Non-linear Resistors Resistors Connected Kirchhoff’s Lawss Substitution Theorem Mesh Current
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Ampere’s Circuital Law Example:Long Cylindrical Conductor Example:Toroidal Coil Example:Refraction of Lines of B at a Current Sheet Short Solenoid The Curl of B
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Learning Theory of Gestalt Psychology 5.1 About Gestalt Psychology before1900,studied law,philosophy. 1901-1904,studied psychology and philosophy at the universities of Prague, Berlin. 1904, received Ph.D. at Würzbur
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电磁感应 electromagnetic induction 法拉第 Faraday 法拉第电磁 Faradays law of 感应定律 electromagnetic induction 磁链 magnetic flux linkage
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7-1应力状态概述 (Concepts of stress-state) 7-2平面应力状态分析-解析法 (Analysis of plane stress-state) 7-3平面应力状态分析-图解法 (Analysis of plane stress-state) 7-4三向应力状态分析 7-5平面应变状态分析 (Analysis of plane strain-state) 7-6广义胡克定律 (Generalized Hook's law) 7-7复杂应力状态的变形比能 (Strain-energy density in general stress-state 7-8强度理论(Failure criteria) 7-9莫尔强度理论 (Mohr's failure criterion)
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一 热力学第二定律的两种表述 (Two statements of Second law of thermodynamics) 1、开尔文表述(1851)(Kelvin statement ):不可能从单一热源吸取热量使之完全变为有用功,而不产生其它任何影响
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