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3. Comparative Statics a. Indirect Utility Functions b. Expenditure Functions and duality C. Expenditure Function and Price Indices d. Slutsky via Utility Functions e. Slutsky via Preferences
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2. Choice and Utility Functions a. Choice in Consumer Demand Theory and Walrasian Demand b. Properties of demand from continuity and properties from WARP . Representing Preferences with a Utility Function d. Demand as Derived from Utility Maximization e. Application: Fertility
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11. Competition and Monopoly, some preliminary discussions a. Monopoly Pricing b. Cournot and Bertrand Oligopoly C. Two Part Pricing d. Price Discrimination e. Regulation
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10. More on Production a. Derived Demand-Marshall's Laws b. Long Run/Short Run, LeChatelier, Dynamics C. Aggregating Supply d. Theory of the Firm, the Holdup Problem e. Agency Issues f. Application: The Coase Theorem
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1.几种典型的褶皱的基本几何特征 平行褶皱 相似褶皱 协调褶皱 不协调褶皱
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1.半导体物理基础。包括半导体的特性、能 带理论、载流子及运动、载流子对光的吸收、半 导体的PN结及与金属的接触。 2.光电效应。光电器件依据的物理基础主要 是固体的光电效应,就是固体中决定其电学性质 的电子系统直接吸收入射光能,使固体的电学性 质发生改变的现象。例如:光电子发射效应、光 电导效应、光生伏特效应等
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