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Ch. 24 Johansen's mle for Cointegration We have so far considered only single-equation estimation and testing for cointe- gration. While the estimation of single equation is convenient and often consis- tent, for some purpose only estimation of a system provides sufficient information This is true, for example, when we consider the estimation of multiple cointe- grating vectors, and inference about the number of such vectors. This chapter examines methods of finding the cointegrating rank and derive the asymptotic
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第一章农田水分状况和土壤水分运动 1、农田水分状况(重点) 2、土壤水分运动(非重点) 3、土壤一作物一大气连续体(Soil- Plant--Air continue system)水分运动(了解)
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12.1 Systems with controllable linearizations A relatively straightforward case of local controllability analysis is defined by systems with controllable linearizations 12.1.1 Controllability of linearized system Let To: 0, THR, uo: 0, T]H Rm be a
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Definition A real-valued function V: X H R defined on state space X of a system with behavior set B and state r:B×[0,∞)→ X is called a Lyapunov function if tHv(t)=v(a(t))=v(a(z(), t)) is a non-increasing function of time for every z E B according to this definition, Lyapunov
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第3章供应链系统的设计 第1节供应链体系结构形式
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Sampling Sampling provides a discrete-time representation of a continuous waveform Sample points are real-valued numbers In order to transmit over a digital system we must first convert into discrete valued numbers
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The mahalanobis distance in Character Recognition Authored by Dan Frey 31 July 98 This sheet explores the use of the Mahalanobis Distance in character It defines a letters a.b.c. and d It creates a population of distorted letters to train a classifier
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Final Project Questions Let's take up to an hour to Review progress answer questions Referencing sources in the term project Direct quotes-- Place in quotes or indent and cite source in footnote or reference
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Plan for the session Q Questions Complete some random topics Lecture on design of dynamic systems (Signal/Response Systems Recitation on hw#5? 16.881
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Plan for the session Guest lecture by Eric Feron(1 hour) Quiz on Design of Dynamic Systems(15 minutes Review of reliability Improvement Case Study --Router Bit Life(35 minutes) 16.881
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