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11-1表面能与表面张力 11-2界面的热力学性质 11-3弯曲表面现象 11-4溶液的表面吸附、表面活性物质 11-5几种重要的界面现象及表面活性剂的作用 11-6溶液中固体表面的吸附
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5.1 The conditions of chemical equilibrium and affinity of chemical reaction 5.2 The equilibrium constant of a reaction and isothermal equation 5.3 Heterogeneous chemical equilibrium 5.4 Determination of equilibrium constants 5.5 The standard Gibbs function of formation 5.8 Coupling reaction 5.7 Chemical equilibrium of simultaneous reaction 5.6 The response of reactions to the conditions
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3.1 Common feature of spontaneous change 3.2 The second law of thermodynamics 3.3 Carnot cycle and Carnot principle 3.4 Definition of entropy 3.5 Clausius inequality ; principle of increase of entropy 3.6 Calculate the change of entropy 3.7 Statistical view of entropy 3.8 Helmholtz function and Gibbs function 3.9 Direction of change and conditions in equilibrium 3.10 Calculate of G 3.11 Relations of thermodynamic functions 3.12 Clapeyron equation 3.13 The third law and conventional entropy
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掌握鲜叶内含主要化学成分的种类、组成、含量、 性质和鲜叶的形态特征与制茶品质的关系
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§1.1 理想气体状态方程 §1.2 理想气体混合物 §1.3 气体的液化与临界现象 §1.4 真实气体状态方程 §1.5 对应状态原理与普遍化压缩因子图
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一、地下水水质恶化的概念及产生原因 (一)地下水水质恶化的概念 水质恶化是指由于人类活动的影响而使水的感观性、物理化学性质、化学成分、生物 组成以及底质状况等发生恶化的现象。可分为地表水水质恶化和地下水水质恶化。水质恶 化使水的使用价值降低,给水生生物和用水者造成危害,并加剧水资源短缺的矛盾
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概念题 1.热力学第二定律要解决的基本问题是 2.热力学第二定律的克劳修斯说法是:开尔文说法是_ 3.理想气体恒温膨胀时Q=W,它所吸收的热全部用来做功,这是否违背开尔文说法,为什么?
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2.1 Preface to the thermodynamics 2.2 The thermodynamic first law 2.3 Quasi-static process and reversible process 2.4 Enthalpy 2.5 Heat capacity 2.6 The first law in ideal gases 2.7 Thermochemistry 2.8 The Hess’s law 2.9 Heat in some processes 2.10 The temperature dependence of the reaction enthalpy —— Kirchhoff’s law 2.11 An adiabatic reaction ——non-isothermal reaction
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2.1 Preface to the thermodynamics 2.2 The thermodynamic first law 2.3 Quasi-static process and reversible process 2.4 Enthalpy 2.5 Heat capacity 2.6 The first law in ideal gases 2.7 Thermochemistry 2.8 The Hess’s law 2.9 Heat in some processes 2.10 The temperature dependence of the reaction enthalpy —— Kirchhoff’s law 2.11 An adiabatic reaction ——non-isothermal reaction
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一、地下水水质恶化的概念及产生原因 (一)地下水水质恶化的概念 水质恶化是指由于人类活动的影响而使水的感观性、物理化学性质、化学成分、生物 组成以及底质状况等发生恶化的现象。可分为地表水水质恶化和地下水水质恶化。水质恶 化使水的使用价值降低,给水生生物和用水者造成危害,并加剧水资源短缺的矛盾。随着 人口的增长、社会经济的发展,水污染日益加重,成为当今最突出的环境问题之一
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