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Teaching outline Duty report dictation Practice of the key sentence patterns Retell dialogue工 Role-play: Traffic problems in a big city Background information about language famil Questions for group discussion Passage analysis Weekly quiz
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DFID Department for International Development Outline of talk I) DFID experience A)DFID's approach to EIA B)Aims
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Pili and fimbriae G short, fine, hairlike appendages that are not involved in motility Fimbriae/fimbria: 1000piece/cell, adhesion to host epithelium Sex pill/pilus: 1-10piece/celly sexual conjugation, they are genetically determined by sex factors or conjugative plasmids and are required for bacterial mating Receptors of some bacterial viruses
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Chapter 7 develops the concept of efficiency and explores why many tasks are best left up to the market It presents the concept of economic surplus in detail and looks at how unregulated markets can generate the largest possible economic surplus Chapter 7: Efficiency and Exchange
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(一)概念: 1.交通事故损伤(injuries in traffic accidents): 指各种发生在各种交通过程中与交通工具有 关的损伤。本质属于机械性损伤的范畴。 2.道路交通事故(road traffic accidence): 指车辆驾驶人员、行人、乘车人员以及在道路 上进行与道路交通活动有关的人员,因违反 有关的交通法规和规章造成人身伤亡或财产 损失的事件
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基本内容: 性成熟、体成熟、初配适龄的概念、关系及影响因素;繁殖行为。 基本要求: 1、熟练掌握性成熟、体成熟、初配适龄的概念; 2、了解性行为的特征; 3、掌握母性行为和初生动物行为及应用
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第一节 概述 Introduction 第二节 神经激素Neuro-endocrine hormone 第三节 促性腺激素Gonadotrophin 第四节 性腺激素 Gonadal hormones 第五节 前列腺素 Prostaglandin 第六节 其它激素 Other hormones(自学) 第七节 神经递质 Neuromediator(自学) 第八节 生长因子 Growth factor(自学)
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1. Translate the following phrases into Chinese:(40%) 1. by accident 2. 3. in add ition 4. adjust to 5. above all
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Part I: Listening Comprehension(15% (20 minutes Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation
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Part Listening Comprehension Section C Spot Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. Listen carefully during the first reading. Then listen to the passage again. When it is being read the second time
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