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1. Learn and master new words expressions and proverbs and be able them in actual situations 2. Grasp the uses of the present perfect tense and the present perfect progressive tense 3. Develop the students ability of listening and speaking 4. Grasp the main idea of the dialogues and texts, and be able to answer the related questions
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Test Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause during the pause you must read the
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Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points) 1. The teacher explained the point a second time, but everyone understand A. not even then does B. even then not did C. not even then did d. not even then 2. All flights because of the storm, they decided to go to Beijing by train. A. having been canceled B had been canceled C having canceled D. were canceled
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1. To answer correctly is more important than () A. answered quickly B. a quick answer C. quickly answered D. to answer quickly 2.It ( until dark that he realized that it was too late to return home. A. is B. wasn't C. weren''td.were3. Do you remember() Tom about this before? A. to telling B. telling C. to have told D. tell 4. Look, () A. there he goes B. there goes he C. he goes there D. he there goes.It seems difficult () A. to stop the child to crying B. to stop the child of crying C. stopping the child cry D. to stop the child from crying 6.I have never drunk ( beer in my life. A. the better one B. more best C. more better D. better
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Translation(English to Chinese) 1. I was greatly impressed by its natural beauty when I took a study tour there two years ago 两年前,我在那里做过野外考查,那里的自然风光给我印象极深
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Background Knowledge u Time Zones and International date Line rn 1884 scientists divided the world into 24 time zones. The time in the zone containing greenwich is called Greenwich Mean Time Going westwards around the world from Greenwich, we subtract an hour for each
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Pre-reading Information 1. Boxing Sport of fighting with fists, also called pugilism and prizefighting 2. Early History Depicted on the walls of tombs at Beni Hasan in Egypt, dating from about 2000 te 1500 B.C., boxing is one of the oldest
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Directions: After each of the following words, there are four other words marked A, B, C, and D with some of their letters underlined. Choose the one that has the same pronunciation as the given one. 1. cute A. lump B. chubby C. robust D. venue 2. testify A. youthful B. notify C. royal D. needy
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I. Pronunciation (1’x 10) Directions: Choose the word whose pronunciation of the underlined part is the same as that of the given word. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. threat A. writhe B. father C. salty D. toothpaste 2. horrified A. opera B. totally C. extort D. grope 3. sniff A. slip B. collide C. lightning D. deprive
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I. Pronunciation: (0.5’×10) Find the right word from the four choices whose underlined part is similar in pronunciation to the word given. 1. triumph A. critical B. subliminal C. muffin D. violet 2. wondrous A. oneness B. kerosene C. carrot D. coconut 3. sergeant A. cadre B. vacancy C. unfalteringly D. maternity
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