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《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:pboc annual report(2013)
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《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:development of rmb market in hk(imf-2013)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:300.66KB 文档页数:49
《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:stock market in china's modernization process(chen zhiwu-2006)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:457.07KB 文档页数:19
《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:revised system for the classification of exchange rate arrangements(imf-2009)
文档格式:DOCX 文档大小:23.22KB 文档页数:6
《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:the evolution of the renminbi exchange rate
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《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:renmibi controversies(morris goldstein-06-6)
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《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:emerging stock markets in the people's republic of china
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:763.44KB 文档页数:40
《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:china-capital-markets-ftse-201106
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:154.46KB 文档页数:15
《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:capital freedom in china as viweed from the evolution of the stock market(chen zhiwu-2013)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:6.41MB 文档页数:172
《中国金融市场 Chinese Financial Markets》补充阅读文献:cbrc annual report(2010)
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