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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:The 3 year medical school change or shortchange
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:Life or death for the deaddonor rule
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:Informed consent remain a work in progress
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:The dead donor rule and the future of organ donation
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:Developments in English for specific Dudley Evans T and M St John 1998
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:Four models of patient physicain relationship Emanuel
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:Good patients and difficult patients rethinking our definition
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:Making Medical Decisions for Patients without Surrogates
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:Medical decision making paternalism versus patientcentered autonomous care
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《学术英语(医学)》拓展阅读资料:Mourning on morning rounds
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