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• Define privacy and fundamental computer-related privacy challenges • Privacy principles and laws • Privacy precautions for web surfing • Spyware • Email privacy • Privacy concerns in emerging technologies
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:4.32MB 文档页数:80
6.1 入侵检测原理 6.2 入侵检测实验 6.3 Snort扩展实验 6.4 基于虚拟蜜网的网络攻防实验 6.5 工控入侵检测实验
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:546.94KB 文档页数:34
• Study the contents of a good security plan • Learn to plan for business continuity and responding to incidents • Outline the steps and best practices of risk analysis • Learn to prepare for natural and human-caused disasters
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 了解安全操作系统的安全策略与模型。  了解安全操作系统的访问控制机制。  了解安全操作系统的评测方法与准则
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:3.99MB 文档页数:65
• Networking basics • Network threats and vulnerabilities • WiFi security • Denial-of-service attacks • Network encryption concepts and tools • Types of firewalls and what they do • Intrusion detection and prevention systems • Security information and event management tools
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.2MB 文档页数:36
• Learn about memory organization, buffer overflows, and relevant countermeasures • Common programming bugs, such as off-by-one errors, race conditions, and incomplete mediation • Survey of past malware and malware capabilities • Virus detection • Tips for programmers on writing code for security
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6.1 入侵检测原理 6.2 入侵检测实验 6.3 Snort扩展实验 6.4 基于虚拟蜜网的网络攻防实验 6.5 工控入侵检测实验
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.06MB 文档页数:29
• Basic security functions provided by operating systems • System resources that require operating system protection • Operating system design principles • How operating systems control access to resources • The history of trusted computing • Characteristics of operating system rootkits
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:777KB 文档页数:159
第九章安全人机系统及其设计 一、人机系统的设计 二、人机系统的可靠性 三、人机系统检查与评价
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.36MB 文档页数:51
1、熟悉影响药物作用的因素,并能指导病人正确用 药。 2、掌握安全用药原则和给药护士的职责 3、了解给药的护理程序,熟悉处方常用外文缩写 4、熟悉药物领取方法,熟悉药物保管要求。 5、熟悉口服给药的评估、摆药、发药和发药后处理方法。 6、掌握安全注射原则及药液抽吸方法。 7、熟悉吸入法的原理、目的,熟悉手压式雾化器和射流式雾化器雾化吸入,掌握超声雾化吸入法
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