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泌尿系统 urinary system 泌尿系统包括肾脏( kidney) 输尿管( ureter)、膀胱( bladder) 及尿道( urethra)。肾脏不但是重 要的排泄器官,也是维持机体内环 科境稳定的重要调节器官和内分泌器
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1, Several Principles of Marxism 2, Karl Marx and Political Economy 3, Liberalism VS. Marxism 4, Dependency in World Economy 5, Dependency and its Consequences
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1, Veblen and Leisure Class 2, What is institution? 3, Property Rights and Institution 4, Contract and Transaction Cost 5, Institutions and Reversal of Fortune 6, Case Study and Conclusion
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1, Three Questions of Realism 2, Assumptions and Key Concepts of Realisn 3, Great Men in Political Realism 4, Statism in Political Economy 5, State Intervention and Development
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1, Voting in Public Choice 2, Rational Politicians 3, Rational Bureaucracy 4, Rent Seeking 5, Collective Action 6, Experimentation 7, The Conservative Critics
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1, Cases 2, Brief Ideas of Liberalism 3, Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus 4, Hayek and the Denationalization of Money 5, Friedman and Economic Freedom 6,Conclusion
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第一节 马克思主义中国化的科学内涵及其历史进程 一、马克思主义中国化的提出 二、马克思主义中国化的科学内涵 三、马克思主义中国化的历史进程和重要意义
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重点: 1、命题(简单命题, 复合命题)及符号化(联结词) 2、公式类型(可满足,永真,永假) 3、等值演算( 证明A  B) 4、联结词完备集 ( 用指定联结词表示任意公式) 5、主析(主合)取范式, 成真(假)赋值 6、推理证明(推理规则)
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重述文艺复兴园林艺术传播到法国的历程 列举文艺复兴园林艺术对法国园林布局的影响 文艺复兴园林艺术对法国园林影响的局限与创新 列举文艺复兴园林艺术对法国造园要素的影响
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• 东汉末的社会大动乱 • 西晋的短暂统一 • 东晋门阀政治 • 北方少数民族南迁 • 北方中国的战乱与统一 • 南朝 • 3-6世纪的宗教与学术
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