• Introduction • Face Recognition System • Face Detection & Location • Face Normalization • Feature Extraction & Recognition • Face Recognition Application • Face Recognition Problems
Do Your Experiments Require Total RNA or mRNA? One of the first decisions that the researcher has to make when detecting or quantitating RNA is whether to isolate total RNA or poly(A)-selected RNA (also commonly referred to as mRNA). This choice is further complicated by the bewildering array of RNA isolation kits available in the marketplace. In addition the downstream application influences this choice. The following
The Cost of Taxation How do taxes affect the economic wellbeing of market participants? It does not matter whether a tax on a goodis levied on buyers or sellers of the good… the price paid by buyers rises, and theprice received by sellers falls
International Trade What determines whether a countryimports or exports a good? Who gains and who loses from free tradeamong countries? What are the arguments that people usedto advocate trade restrictions?