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华东师范大学:《植物生理学》课程资源(实验课教学课件)植物组织培养——培养基配制 Plant Physiology Experiments Tissue culture——Media preparation
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《激光原理 Principle of Laser》课程教学论文:杜戈果 - Understanding the characteristics of gain saturation for homogeneously broadened laser media from the point of view of the bandwidth -2007年
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《电动力学》课程参考文献:Radiation pressure and the distribution of electromagnetic force in dielectric media
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《电动力学》课程参考文献:Radiation Pressure on Submerged Mirrors_Implications for the Momentum of Light in Dielectric Media
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《电动力学》课程参考文献:Poynting’s theorem and luminal total energy transport in passive dielectric media
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Modulation. Bandwidth limitations. Frequency spectrum and its use. Multiplexing. Media: Copper, Fiber, Optical, Wireless. Coding. Framing
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《计算机网络》课程教学资源(参考文献)MACAW_A Media Access Protocol for Wireless LAN’s
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《电子商务 E-business》阅读文献:A Stereotypes-Based Hybrid Recommender System for Media Items
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复旦大学:《媒介与社会性别 Media and Gender》课程教学资源(PPT专题演讲)Gender Fluidity
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复旦大学:《媒介与社会性别 Media and Gender》课程教学资源(PPT专题演讲)Passing Lines——Immigration and Sexuality
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