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 词法分析的作用  词法单元的规约(正则表达式)  词法单元的识别(状态转换图)  有穷自动机  词法分析器生成工具及设计
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The idea of Recursive-Descent Parsing Viewing the grammar rule for a non-terminal A as a definition for a procedure to recognize an A The right-hand side of the grammar for A specifies the structure of the code for this procedure The Expression Grammar:
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Main idea LL(1) Parsing uses an explicit stack rather than recursive calls to perform a parse An example: – a simple grammar for the strings of balanced parentheses: S→(S) S∣ε The following table shows the actions of a top￾down parser given this grammar and the string ( )
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A bottom-up parser uses an explicit stack to perform a parse – The parsing stack contains tokens, nonterminals as well as some extra state information – The stack is empty at the beginning of a bottom-up parse, and will contain the start symbol at the end of a successful parse
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• 运行时刻环境 – 为数据分配安排存储位置 – 确定访问变量时使用的机制 – 过程之间的连接 – 参数传递 – 和操作系统、输入输出设备相关的其它接口 • 主题 – 存储管理:栈分配、堆管理、垃圾回收 – 对变量、数据的访问
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Generate executable code for a target machine that is a faithful representation of the semantics of the source code Depends not only on the characteristics of the source language but also on detailed information about the target architecture, the structure of the runtime environment, and the operating system running on the target machine
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一、 表达式的语义分析 二、语句的语义分析 三、赋值语句的语义分析 四、调用语句的语义分析 五、标号语句的语义分析 六、结构语句的语义分析
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概要 语法分析器  上下文无关文法  语法分析技术  自顶向下  自底向上  语法分析器生成工具
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递归下降法(Recursive-Descent Parsing) 对每个非终极符按其产生式结构产生相应 语法分析子程序. 终极符产生匹配命令 非终极符则产生调用命令 文法递归相应子程序也递归,所以称这种 方法为递归子程序方法或递归下降法
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它具有SLR(1)的状态数少的优点和LR(1) 的适用范围广的优点。 LALR(1)方法的功能介于SLR(1)和LR(1) 之间。 LALR(1)状态机的状态个数和LR(0)状态 机的状态个数相同,而其展望符则即不 采用SLR(1)的Follow集方法,也不采用 LR(1)的完全精确法
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