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目的要求 1、掌握:真菌的定义。 2、熟悉:真菌的致病机理;常见病原性真菌的致病性。 3、了解:真菌的生物学特性、微生物学检查、防治原则、主要致病性真菌的生物学特性
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《动物生物学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)多细胞动物的胚胎发育(海绵动物门 Spongia)
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第一节基因突变的时期和特征 一、基因突变的时期 二、基因突变的一般特征
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粘菌门(Myxomycota) 鞭毛菌亚门 Mastigomycotina 接合菌亚门 Zogomycotina 子囊菌亚门 Ascomycotina 担子菌亚门 Basidiomycotina 地衣门 Lichens
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About the final It will be in English. Try to answer in English as well. The problems are given in such a way that very short answers are needed. Chinese allowed if you can only read English
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F and partial diploids The F-factor in a Hfr chromosome can excise out to become an autonomously replicating plasmid If a segment of the chromosome becomes part of the F pp lasmid during excision, the new element is called an F plasmid
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Balbiani的变形虫实验 鸡红细胞核移植实验 叶绿体fraction I protein (Bedbrook 1978)
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Bacterial Genetics Key Requirements Understand how genetic mapping is achieved in bacteria: Co-transformation, F factor Hfr strain co-transduction and some understanding of phage genetics 2. Read the textbook and do the problem set at the back
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文档格式:PPT 文档大小:785KB 文档页数:32
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