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1.材料科学与工程有四个基本要素,它们分别是:使用性能、材料的性质、结构与成份 和合成与加工。 2.材料性质的表述包括力学性质、物理性质和化学性质
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第一部分填空题(10个空共10分,每空一分) 1.材料科学与工程有四个基本要素,它们分别是:使用性能、材料的性质、和 2.材料性质的表述包括、物理性质和化学性质
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This is the first book that can be considered a textbook on thin film science, complete with exercises at the end of each chapter. Ohring has contributed many highly regarded reference books to the AP list, including Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and the Engineering Science of Thin Films. The knowledge base is intended for science and engineering students in advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate level courses on thin films and scientists and engineers who are entering or require an overview of the field. Since 1992, when the book was first published, the field of thin films has expanded tremendously, especially with regard to technological applications. The second edition will bring the book up-to-date with regard to these advances. Most chapters have been greatly updated, and several new chapters have been added
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Understanding materials, their properties and behavior is fundamental to engineering design, and a key application of materials science. Written for all students of engineering, materials science and design, this book describes the procedures for material selection in mechanical design in order to ensure that the most suitable materials for a given application are identified from the full range of materials and section shapes available. Extensively revised for this fourth edition, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design is recognized as one of the leading materials selection texts, and provides a unique and genuinely innovative resource
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This book describes semiconductors from a materials science perspective rather than from condensed matter physics or electrical engineering viewpoints. It includes discussion of current approaches to organic materials for electronic devices. It further describes the fundamental aspects of thin film nucleation and growth, and the most common physical and chemical vapor deposition techniques. Examples of the application of the concepts in each chapter to specific problems or situations are included, along with recommended readings and homework problems
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Describing the fundamental physical properties of materials used in electronics, the thorough coverage of this book will facilitate an understanding of the technological processes used in the fabrication of electronic and photonic devices. The book opens with an introduction to the basic applied physics of simple electronic states and energy levels. Silicon and copper, the building blocks for many electronic devices, are used as examples. Next, more advanced theories are developed to better account for the electronic and optical behavior of ordered materials, such as diamond, and disordered materials, such as amorphous silicon. Finally, the principal quasi-particles (phonons, polarons, excitons, plasmons, and polaritons) that are fundamental to explaining phenomena such as component aging (phonons) and optical performance in terms of yield (excitons) or communication speed (polarons) are discussed
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2.1 概述 2.2 原子结构 2.3 元素周期表及其特性 2.4 原子结合键 2.5 结合能与材料性能 2.6 原子排列方式 2.7 晶体的显微组织
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:6.56MB 文档页数:61
2000年,世界合成高分子材料的年总产 量已达到2亿吨。其中塑料1.63亿吨, 合成橡胶0.11亿吨,合成纤维0.28亿吨 高分子科学既是一门基础学科,又是一 门应用科学,主要由高分子化学、高分 子物理、高分子材料和高分子工艺四个 学科分支组成
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一、填空题: 1、由两种或两种以上不同的物质,经人工组合而成的叫做复合材料。 2、复合材料可分为和两大类
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一、名词解释(6题共30分,每题5分) (1).晶体:原子在空间呈有规则的周期性的重复排列。 (2).硬度:材料在表面上的小体积内抵抗变形或破裂的能力。 (3).疲劳强度:材料抵抗交变应力作用下断裂破坏的能力
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