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罗马法复兴(Revival of Roman law),是指 12—16 世纪欧洲各国和自治 城市所开展的研究和学习罗马法的典籍,并将其基本原则和概念适用到法律实践 中去的学术运动。它与宗教改革(Reformation)和文艺复兴(Renaissance) 并称欧洲文化史上的“三 R 运动
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磁场 magnetic field 磁感应强度 magnetic induction 磁感线 magnetic induction line 毕奥-萨伐尔定律Biot -Savar- law 磁通量 magnetic flux
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惯性系 Inertial system 非惯性系 noninertial system 惯性力 Inertial force 万有引力 universal gravitation 万有引力定律 law of universal gravitation 引力常量 gravitational constant
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5.3.1 About Bruner: Jerome Seymour Bruner(1915-) Born in New York in 1915. 1931,studied law at Duke Uni., then studied Psy. because of the influence of Mcdougall
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Electric Polarization P Bound Charges Gauss’ Law, Electric Displacemant D
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Solid Angles Gauss’ Law Conductors Poisson’s Equation Laplace’s Equation Uniqueness Theorem Images
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Magnetization M The Equivalent Surface Current Density The Equivalent Volume Current Denisity J Calculation of Magnetic Fields in Material Magnetic Field Intensity H Ampere’s Circuit Law Magnetic Susceptibility, Permeability Magnetization Curve Hysterisis
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gence while others from their intelligence Whatever comments one may make,it must be without breaking any law in- volved. If a person works very hard for an
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The Law of Supply Firms are willing to produce and sell agreater quantity of a good when the priceof the good is higher. This results in a supply curve that slopesupward
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Concerning Judge Clarence Thomas Mr. Chairman, Senator Thurmond, members of the committee, my name is Anita F. Hill, and I am a professor of law at the University of Oklahoma. I was born on a farm in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, in 1956. I am the youngest of 13 children. I had my early education in Okmulgee County. My father, Albert Hill, is a farmer in that area. My mother's name is Irma Hill. She is also a farmer and a housewife
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