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一、冷却曲线与过冷度 过冷:实际结晶温度T1总是低于理论结晶温度T0的现象 过冷度△T=T0-11 (冷速↑→△T↑) 结晶的必要条件:过冷(结晶的动力)
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合金钢的优点:高的强度和淬透性。 第一节合金元素在钢中的作用
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一、2002年以来已获省级一类优秀课程本次直接申报国家精品课程的 请在“申报类别”栏中填写“国家精品课程”,已获省级二类优秀 课程申报一类精品课程的请填写“一类精品课程新申报课程无 需填写
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制定本守则,旨在使学生注意爱护实验设备、掌握正确的实验方法和认真进行实验操作,保证实验质量。 1、实验前按实验指导书有关内容进行预习,了解本轮各个实验的目的、步骤及注意事项
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一、关于“造型基础” (一)造型辨析 一提起“造型”,可能会有如下的理解: 1.在一定观念及情感驱动下,有目的地采用某些物质材料,通过对形态、空间、色彩等要素进行编排组合,创造视觉形象的活动
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来自外界的一切视觉形象都是通过色彩和明暗的差别关系显现出来的。对于可见 物和人的视觉感知而言,有物就有色,有形就有色,空间、位置的界限和区别也是通 过色彩和明暗得到反映,人们在看到形态、空间、位置、材料的同时必定也看到它们 的色彩和明暗关系(在色彩学的研究范畴中把无彩色黑、白、灰也作为重要色彩) 在设计领域,色彩常常具有先声夺人的力量,所谓“七分颜色三分花”,正说明 色彩是打动人或引起人的好恶判断的首要因素
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Action Of a Pair Of Mating Involute Teeth Let a and b be the base circles of a pair of mating involute gears. Line CD is a common tangent to the base circles. while b is the line of centers assume that CD is part of a string being unwound from A and wound upon B, while A and B rotate together in such a manner that string CD remains taut at all times. When A and B start to rotate, point C on the string will leave
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The manufacturing(or production) process of a factory, in a broad sense, is the sum total of separate processes involved in the conversion of sum total raw materials or semi-finished products into final as far as products. AS far as a factory is concerned, its blank products can be blanks, finished parts
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Surface quality is another aspect of machining accuracy. It consists of the surface finish and the physic mechanical state of the surface layer. It affects the proper functioning and service life of the parts Surface Finish Machining accuracy is expressed quantitatively in machining error. Surface finish is expressed quantitatively in surface roughness. The surface roughness on a machined workpiece surface is caused primarily by the geometrical factors(cutting tool geometry and cutting
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