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Significance General condition comprehension Confirm history information Specific sign collection for the diagnosis of certain disease infers certain accessory examines Grossly preclude some certain disorders Contribute a relation between the physician and the patient
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Auscultation normal breath sound vesicular breath sound bronchial breath sound bronchovesicular breath sound
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Definition Frequent micturition: voiding at frequent intervals, due to a sense of bladder fullness Normal: 3-5 times in the day time 0-1 time in the night 200-400ml each time
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Woman complained of tightness in abdomen associated with belching wind which did not relieve feeling. Symptoms usually began between 5 and 6 p.m. lasing several hours. Relieved by White mixture. (D=Doctor, P=Patient)
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IMPORTANTCE! Despite recent advances in neuroscience and the continuing development of sensitive diagnostic procedures, the essential skill required for the diagnosis remains the clinical neurologic examination Most neurologic diagnosis can be made on the basis of the history alone
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Fever .Normal body temperature 37°C, Circadian variation oral T00.5> axillary(腋温)
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INTRODUCTION Palpation of the pulse Measurment of arterial blood pressure Auscultation of blood vessels
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Palpitation may be defined as an awareness of the beating of the heart, an awareness most commonly brought about by a change in the heart's rhythm or rate or by an augmentation of its contractility
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1.Objectives of this lecture; 2.Definition of a sentence; 3.Types of sentences; 4.Sentence patterns; 5.Short and long sentences; 6.Loose and periodic sentences; 7.Ways to establish links between sentences; 8.Common sentence problems
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