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13.1 Introduction 13.2 DNA polymerases are the enzymes that make DNA 13.3 DNA synthesis is semidiscontinuous 13.4 Coordinating synthesis of the lagging and leading strands 13.5 The replication apparatus of phage T4 13.6 Creating the replication forks at an origin 13.7 Common events in priming replication at the origin 13.8 Does methylation at the origin regulate initiation? 13.9 Licensing factor controls eukaryotic rereplication
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1. If you were to mix the bases of dNa with water, would you expect them to form co-planar hydrogen bonds, or stack on top of each other. What about in an organ ic solvent such as DMso (Hint, the answer is different in each case). Justify your answer
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(一)名词解释 1.米氏常数(Michaelis constant); 2.寡聚酶(oligomeric enzyme); 4.变构酶(allosteric enzyme); 5.同工酶(isozyme); 6.活性中心(active center);7. 竞争性抑制作用
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蛋白质合成后的分泌及加工修饰 不论是原核还是真核生物,在细胞浆内合成的蛋白质需定位于细胞特定的区 域,有些蛋白质合成后要分泌到细胞外,这些蛋白质叫做分必蛋白。在细菌细 胞内起作用的蛋白质一般靠扩散作用而分布到它们的目的地。如内膜含有参与 能量代谢和营养物质转运的蛋白质;外膜含有促进离子和营养物质进入细胞的 蛋白质;在内膜与外膜之间的间隙称为周质,其中含有各种水解酶以及营养物 质结合蛋白
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核酸的结构与功能-核酸的化学组成 核酸的结构与功能 The Structure and Function of Nucleic Acic 1868年,瑞士的内科医生 Friedrich Miescher从外科医院包扎伤口的绷带上的脓 细胞核中提取到一种富含磷元素的酸性化合物,将其称为核质(nuclein);后来 他又从鲭鱼精子中分离出类似的物质,并指出它是由一种碱性蛋白质与一种酸 性物质组成的,此酸性物质即是现在所知的核酸(nucleic acid)1944年 Oswalo Avery, Colin Macleod和 Maclyn McCarty发现,一种有夹膜
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Cloning vectors: 克隆载体 to clone a gene in a vector Expression vectors: 表达载体 to express a gene from a vector Integration vectors: 整合载体 to integrate a gene in a genome through a vector Cloning vectors 1 Plasmid vecters 2 Bacteriophage vectors 3 Cosmids & BACs 4 Eukaryotic vectors Cloning vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and manipulated mainly at DNA level. expression vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and expressed
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一、选择题(单选或多选) 1.证明 DNA 是遗传物质的两个关键性实验是:肺炎球菌在老鼠体内的毒性和 T2 噬菌体感染大肠杆菌。这 两个实验中主要的论点证据是:( )
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一、构成性转录因子SP1对持家基因的调控作用 1、 Housekeeping(constitutive) genes(持家基因):细胞内的蛋白质编码基因,维持细胞的基本过程。 2、SP1结合于保 GGGCGG守性序列的GC丰富序列,该序列位于许多持家基因的启动子中
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Transcription is very similar to DNA replication but there are some important differencesi 1 RNA is made of ribonucleotides 2. RNA polymerase catalyzes the reaction 3. The synthesized RNa does not remain base-paired to the template DNA strand 4. Less accurate(error rate: 10-4)
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一、选择题(单选或多选) 1.证明DNA是遗传物质的两个关键性实验是:肺炎球菌在老鼠体内的毒性和T2噬 菌体感染大肠杆菌。这两个实验中主要的论点证据是:()
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