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Accessing SQL From a Programming Language Functions and Procedural Constructs Triggers Recursive Queries Advanced Aggregation Features OLAP
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Join Expressions Views Transactions Integrity Constraints SQL Data Types and Schemas Authorization
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Overview of The SQL Query Language Data Definition Basic Query Structure Additional Basic Operations Set Operations Null Values Aggregate Functions Nested Subqueries Modification of the Database
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《数据库系统概念 Database System Concepts》原书教学资源(第六版,PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Chapter 2 Introduction to the Relational Model
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The Need for Databases Data Models Relational Databases Database Design Storage Manager Query Processing Transaction Manager [美] 西尔伯沙茨(Abrahm Silberschatz),[美] 科思(Henry F.Korth),[美] 苏达尔(S.Sudarshan) Database System Concepts Sixth Edition Avi Silberschatz Henry F. Korth S. Sudarshan McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-352332-1 Face The Real World of Database Systems Fully Equipped
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《数据库系统概念 Database System Concepts》原书教学资源(第六版,附录,英文版)Hierarchical Model
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《数据库系统概念 Database System Concepts》原书教学资源(第六版,附录,英文版)Network Model
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《数据库系统概念 Database System Concepts》原书教学资源(第六版,附录,英文版)Other Relational Query Languages
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《数据库系统概念 Database System Concepts》原书教学资源(第六版,附录,英文版)Advanced Relational Database Design
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《数据库系统概念 Database System Concepts》原书教学资源(第五版,PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Chapter Advanced Transaction Processing
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