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Overview: A good 'H NMR sample contains about 10 mg of compound. The solution should contain no solids or paramagnetic impurities. Your deuterated NMR solvent should be free of water,and your NMR spectrum should contain no solvent peaks. Reference: Zubrick page 295 is relatively useful, but you should follow the specifics in this handout Also, keep in mind that we won't be running continuous wave spectrometers, so you should disregard any discussion of them. NMR Solvents:
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This handout describes standard extraction and washing protocols that can be applied to virtually any crude reaction mixture. Aqueous washings are done to remove water soluble impurities from organic products since normally the compound that you desire will be dissolved in Reference
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou$%教案(7)
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1. Hemoglobin is a multisubunit allosteric protein that carries 02 in erythrocyte. 1.1 Hemoglobin is a well-studied and well-understood protein. 1.1.1 It was one of the first proteins to have its molecular mass accurately determined. 1.1.2 The first protein to be characterized by ultracentrifuge. 1.1.3 The first protein to be associated with a specific physiological function
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1. Hemoglobin is a multisubunit allosteric rotein that carries 02 in erythrocyte. 1.1 Hemoglobin is a well-studied and well-understood protein. 1.1.1 It was one of the first proteins to have its molecular mass accurately determined. 1.1.2 The first protein to be characterized by ultracentrifuge. 1.1.3 The first protein to be associated with a specific physiological function
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Announcement \Chapter 8 Enzymes: Basic Concepts and Kinetics\ in Lubert Stryer's \Biochemistry\ (Fourth Edition) will be used as my major lecture material, which is available for you to Xerox from your TAs. Chapter 8 in Lehninger's“ Principles of Biochemistry can be used as a reference
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou$%教案(9)
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:351.5KB 文档页数:4
外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou$%教案
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In order to be able to design a robust compensator to control a given pro cess, it is necessary not only to specify a nominal mo del of the process, but also the model uncert ainty to which the control sy stem has to be robust. The compensator is required to make the output follow variations in the reference signal and to attenuate disturbances. Hence to design the com- pensator
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Phrase and idiom Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect 金无足赤,人无完人 实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth
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