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• Study increasingly sophisticated parallel merge kernels • Observe the combined effects of data - dependent execution and a lack of data parallelism on GPU algorithm design
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• To learn to regularize irregular data with – Limiting variations with clamping – Sorting – Transposition • To learn to write a high-performance SpMV kernel based on JDS transposed format • To learn the key techniques for compacting input data in parallel sparse methods for reduced consumption of memory bandwidth – Better utilization of on-chip memory – Fewer bytes transferred to on-chip memory – Better utilization of global memory – Challenge: retaining regularity
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Introduction to Heterogeneous Parallel Computing CUDA C vs. CUDA Libs vs. OpenACC Memory Allocation and Data Movement API Functions Data Parallelism and Threads
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 理解数据链路层服务原理:  差错检测和纠正  共享广播信道: 多址接入  链路层编址  可靠传输、流量控制:done!  链路层实现  以太网  虚拟局域网 5.1 introduction, services 5.2 error detection, correction 5.3 multiple access protocols 5.4 LANs ▪ addressing, ARP ▪ Ethernet ▪ switches ▪ VLANS 5.5 link virtualization 5.6 data center networking 5.7 a day in the life of a web request
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Chapter 5 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Define an applet with multiple methods. Incorporate a simple event-handling routine to an applet to process input. Construct input-processing applets using Label, TextField, and Button objects from the java.awt package. Convert string data to numerical data
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安全服务的各个层面 ·安全服务(Security Services): 开放某一层所提供的服务,用以保证系统或数据传输足够的安全性 根据ISO7498-2,安全服务包括: 1.实体认证(Entity Authentication) 2.数据保密性(Data Confidentiality) 3.数据完整性(Data Integrity 4.防抵赖(Non-repudiation-) 5.访问控制(Access Control)
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❖ 什么是数据结构 ❖ 基本概念和术语 ❖ 抽象数据类型 ❖ 算法分析 ❖ 性能分析与度量
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一、查找的概念 二、静态查找表 三、动态查找表 四、哈希表
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▪ 树的概念和基本术语 ▪ 二叉树 ▪ 二叉树遍历 ▪ 二叉树的计数 ▪ 树与森林 ▪ 霍夫曼树
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字符串( String 字符串是n(≥0)个字符的有限序列, 记作S:“cc2g3…Cn” 其中,S是串名字 “c2c3…cn”是串值
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