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第一节投入产出核算的基本问题 Section 1 The basic problems of input-output account 第二节技术经济系数与投入产出模型 Section 2 The technology economic coefficient and input-output model 第三节投入产出分析的若干应用 Section 3 The some use input-output analysis 第四节投入产出表的编制方法 Section The establishment method of input- output tables
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计量经济学(Econometrics)一词,又译经济计量 学,该词首次使用是在1910年,但给该词赋予我们现 在所理解的那种含义(即作为一个经济学学科),是挪 威经济学家弗里希(R. Frisch)的功劳。从字面上 说,该词含义是经济测量( Economic measurement),但实际上,其含义要广得多。下 面引用几个比较权威的定义来说明这一点
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一、经济制度 1、经济体制(economic system)一是指各种安排经济活动的制度与行为模式,是满足消费需要及资源配置的各种运作方式,如一国的法律、习惯、风俗、价值准则等即反映各种运作的方式。 2、经济体制受哪些因素的影响? (1)历史、文化、宗教的背景; (2)人口、自然资源、气候、地形等条件; (3)领袖人物所倡导的思想意识; (4)追求理想与达到目的的各种主张; (5)追求经济目标时,人民的尝试过的方法
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经济一体化(Economic Integration) 两个或两个以上国家(地区)为维护共同的经济和 政治利益,通过协调、缔结条约或协定,实施共同 政策与措施,结成单一的、排他性的经济实体甚 至政治联盟。 经济一体化是当前世界经济发展的总趋势,具体 表现为:
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67.1 Introduction 67.2 Power System Data Acquisition and Control 67.3 Automatic Generation Control Load Frequency Control. Economic Dispatch.Reserve K. Neil Stanton Monitoring. Interchange Transaction Scheduling Stanton Associates
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Welfare economics Need systematic framework to assess the desirability of various government actions. Welfare economics is concerned with the social desirability of alternative economic states. Distinguishes cases when private markets work well from cases where government intervention may be warranted
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Chapter 14: Contents Distinction Between Forward The \Implied\Risk-Free Rate Futures Contracts The Forward Price is nota The Economic Function of Forecast of the Spot Price Futures Markets Forward-Spot Parity with Cash The Role of Speculators Payouts
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iuseppe Dari Mattiacci-Francesco Parisi The Economics of Tort Law: A Precis ABSTRACT: Economic analysis has long been employed for the study of tort liability. This paper revisits the main contributions to the subject emphasizing the inherent impossibility for tort liability to set perfectly efficient first-best incentives to take precaution for all parties to an accident and the need to choose among second best
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Main Idea Nominal Rigidity nominal price rigidity nominal wage rigidity Real Rigidity Real price rigidity Real wage rigidity Unemployment, Economic Cycle and Policy Suggestion
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一、经济制度 1、经济体制(economic system)一是指各种安排经济活动的制度与行为模式,是满足消费需要及资源配置的各种运作方式,如一国的法律、习惯、风俗、价值准则等即反映各种运作的方 式。 2、经济体制受哪些因素的影响? (1)历史、文化、宗教的背景; (2)人口、自然资源、气候、地形等条件; (3)领袖人物所倡导的思想意识; (4)追求理想与达到目的的各种主张; (5)追求经济目标时,人民的尝试过的方法
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