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一、引言 二、单轴应力测定原理 三、面应力测定原理 四、试验方法 五、试验精度的保证及测试原理的适用条件
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一、透射电镜的结构原理 二、射透电镜的主要性能
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土像其他任何材料一样。受力后也要产生应力和变形。在地基上建造建筑 物将使地基中原有的应力状态发生变化,引起地基变形。如果应力变化引起的 变形量在允许范围以内,则不致对建筑物的使用和安全造成危害;当外荷载在 土中引起的应力过大时,则不仅会使建筑物发生不能容许的过大沉降,是研 甚至可 能使土体发生整体破坏而失去稳定。因此,研究土中应力计算和分布规 究地基变形和稳定问题的依据
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Biodegradable solid polymeric Materials Today course overview and administrative details Intro to concepts covered Chemistry and physical chemistry of biodegradable polymeric solids Hand-outs course syllabus Course administrative details Readin Third-Generation Biomedical Materials. \LL Hench and j M. Polak. Science 295
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Lecture 2: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials I: Biodegradable Solid Polymeric Materials(continued) hemistry and physical chemistry of degrading polymeric solids for biomaterials Today Theory of polymer erosion Enzymatic degradation of synthetic biomaterials Designing degradable materials Reading
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Molecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2003 Lecture 2: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials I: Biodegradable Materials Chemistry of Biodegradable Materials Hydrolytically degraded biomaterials Common hydrolytically unstable linkages Ester
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Lecture 5: Controlled Release Devices Last time: Using enzyme substrate and cytokine peptides to engineer biological recognition of synthetic polymers Today: principles of controlled release devices based on degradable polymers Synthesis of controlled release devices Theory of polymer-based controlled release
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Lecture 7: Hydrogel Biomaterials: Structure and Physical Chemistry Last Day: programmed/regulated/multifactor controlled release for drug delivery and tissue engineering
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Lecture 10: Bioengineering applications of hydrogels: Molecular Imprinting and Drug Delivery Last Day polyelectrolyte gels Polyelectrolyte complexes and multilayers Applications in bioengineering Theory of ionic gel swelling Toda Molecular imprinting
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Lecture 8: Physical Hydrogels Last Day Overview of biomedical applications of hydrogels Structure of covalent hydrogels Thermodynamics of hydrogel swelling Today Bonding in physical hydrogels Structure and thermodynamics of block copolymer hydrog Reading
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