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目录 一、结构体 二、结构体数组 三、指向结构体的指针 四、定义类型别名 五、动态存储分配函数 六、结构体的应用链表
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第1章网络数据库应用系统概述 本章主要讲解: 一、F/S、C/S、B/S三种网络数据库应用系统模式 二、CGI、API与PHP技术要点、ASP技术特征与工作原理 三、ODBC技术以及配置方法 四、DM概念、数据库设计方法 五、网上商店实例功能与数据库设计参数
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一、单项选择题(在下列各题答案选项中,选出一个正确答案。每题1分共20分) 1.准确描述中华人民共和国海关的性质,中华人民共和国海关是国家的机关。 A.行政管理 B.进出口管理 C.进出关境监督管理 D.行政执法
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一、结构化程序设计 基本思想:任何程序都可以用三种基本结构表示,限制使用无条件转移语句(goto) 结构化程序:由三种基本结构反复嵌套构成的程序叫优点:结构清晰,易读,提高程序设计质量和效率
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1.柴油机运转中,检查活塞环漏气的最有效方法是 A.测最高爆发压力 B.测压缩压力 C.测排气温度 D.测缸套冷却水温度
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Part I Vocabulary Structure(20%) Section a I. Ben was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to him of his mistakes B. recognize C. forget D. convince
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Part I Structure(30%) Directions: In this section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all
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Part I Vocabulary& Structure(20%) Section A 1. IfI _you, I would not do it. A.was B.am C.were D. be
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Make the best choice: 1.She was able to cope----- the difficulties she met with. a. in b. with. of.to 2. Would you mind ---- the radio? a. not turn on b. not to turn on. not turning on d. not turned on 3.The lion is a ---- of courage. a. symbol b. sign c. mark d. animal
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Part I Vocabulary Structure (25%) Section a Directions: Complete each sentence by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices 1. He said.\I a lot of new words by the end of last year A) had already learnt C)have already learnt B)would have already learnt D)already learnt
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