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7.1 线性方程组求解 7.2 非线性方程数值求解 7.3 常微分方程初值问题的数值解法 7.4 函数极值
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我们已经讨论了圆波导的TE 波 m——表示方向变化的半周期数;n——表示r方向 变化的准半周期数。 另外,还应有TM波型。 一
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1超静定结构与静定结构在几何组成上有何区别?解法上有什么不同? 2力法中超静定结构的次数是如何确定的? 3力法方程及方程中各系数和自由项的物理意义是什么?
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当试验的处理数目K≥3时,不能直接应用t测验及u测验 的两两测验方法进行平均数假设测验的原因有三: 1.当有K个处理平均数时,将有[k(k-1)]/2个差数, 要对这诸多差数逐一进行比较测验,程序实为繁琐。 2.试验误差估计的精确度要受到损失。 3.两两测验的方法会随着K的增加而大大增加犯α错误 的概率
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Poisson Equation in 1D Model Problem Boundary Value Problem(BVP) Wra(ac)= f(a) N1 x∈(0,1),w(0)=(1)=0,f∈C0N2 Describes many simple physical phen
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())/0=),6()/+2g= edrhugdr)/2M),oxdx) o: Elex Enwk'< uz=x), a(z qurgdiea= uuv y= adwvopu)z(o j): ac=2 Ghwceo(udo: 2M( Hw(uy 0: w cloks rE o Chu Tnr(i b)iwgiffadu cu wa rdo h ouno pk- which wite pexy a ca)=dre halfan a)+x=gub)whwxppdpxiv z=ioy u)udre Wwv ay co)(igad )o)a)i o u v( wh
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1 Model problem 1.1 Poisson Equation in 1D Boundary Value Problem(BVP) (x)=∫(x) (0,1),u(0)=(1)=0,f Describes many simple physical phenomena(e.g) Deformation of an elastic bar Deformation of a string under tension Temperature distribution in a bar The Poisson equation in one dimension is in fact an ordinary differ tion. When dealing with ordinary differential equations we Poisson equation will be used here to illastrate numerical techniques for elliptic PDE's in multi-dimensions. Other techniques specialized for ordinary differen tial equations could be used if we were only interested in the one dimension
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§2-1 方向导数与梯度 §2-2 凸集、凸函数与凸规划 §2-3 二次函数及正定矩阵 §2-4 无约束优化问题的极值条件 §2-5 有约束优化问题的极值条件
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1 Motivation The Poisson problem has a strong formulation a minimization formulation and a weak formulation T weak formulations are more general than the strong formulation in terms of regularity and admissible data SLIDE 2 The minimization/weak formulations are defined by: a space X; a bilinear The minimization/weak formulations identify ESSENTIAL boundary conditions NATURAL boundary conditions ed in a The points of departure for the finite element method are the weak formulation(more generally) the minimization statement (if a is SPD) 2 The dirichlet problem 2.1 Strong Formulation Find u such that
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