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The analysis of the outcome of a reaction requires that we know the full structure of the products as well as the reactants In the 1 gth and early 20th centuries, structures
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上海交通大学:《有机化学》教程教学资源(英文讲稿)12 Amines Amines-Organic Nitrogen Compounds
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上海交通大学:《有机化学》教程教学资源(英文讲稿)10 Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives
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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The first question we need to ask ourselves s What is“ Organic Chemistry\?
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Wilhelm Rontgen ca 1895 (1845-1923) Inset phot Radiograph of frau Rontgen's hand Nobel Prize 1901: in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rend red hw the discovery of the remarKable rays subsequently named after hi
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肿瘤显像 一、肿瘤的正电子发射断层显像(PET) 二、肿瘤阳离子灌注显像 201T、99mc-mibi、99mtc-P53 三、67Ga肿瘤显像 四、99mtc(v)-dmsA肿瘤显像
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一、生态学的基本概念和发展 二、生物多样性问题的重要性 三、呼吁环保意识和生态意识
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一、生态学的基本概念和发展 二、生物多样性问题的重要性 三、呼吁环保意识和生态意识
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主要内容 一、通向欧元的五大里程碑 二、欧元之路 三、欧元之父谈欧元 四、最适度通货区理论
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一、破坏性感染技术 二、病毒自动生产技术 三、网络病毒技术
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