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Strain Displacement Strain Strain field Strain determination in rocks
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(A)General triaxial stress ellipsoid in perspective view. (B)Views normal to each of the principal planes of the ellipsoid. (After W.D. Means,1976)
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OBSERVATION OF TECTONIC SAMPLES Observe tectonic samples in the STRUCTURAL SCOPE. Discuss what you observed with your group members. Select one representative of the group to exchange ideas with other groups in the class
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一、目的 (1)系统而全面地研究矿物,从矿物的本质、各矿物之间的相互关系中探求规律性。 (2)充分利用矿物
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Planar fabric Linear fabric and the size and elements In one dimension is Are parallel to much Longer than that in one another the other two dimensions
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矿物的形态是指矿物单体、 矿物规则连生体及同种矿物 集合体的外貌特征
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1绪论 2空间数据结构 3地理信息系统的地理数学基础 4地理信息系统数据输入 5地理信息系统的数据处理
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1矿物样品的采集和分选 一、样品的采集 野外采集样品应注意其目的性、典型性、代表性及系统性
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1.地质构造 2.构造地质学 构.岩层 5.岩层产状 6.走向 7.倾向
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INTRODUCTION TO STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS Basic principles Basic procedures Exercise in class
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