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一、鼻腔粘膜 二、喉 三、 气 管
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General outline small digestive glands distributed in the wall of digestive tract esophageal glands, gastric glands and intestine glands large digestive glands outside the wall of digestive tract salivary glands, liver and pancreas
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---small gland: fundis gland, small intestinal gland ---large gland: salivary gland, pancreas, liver
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1. Components: ---small gland or endocrine cell: islet of pancreas and corpus luteum ---endocrine gland: Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal gland Pituitary gland(hypophysis) Pineal body
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---skin is the largest organ of the body, it constitutes about 16% of body weight ---its total surface area is about 1.2-2.2 m2 ---function: protection, sensory reception, excretion and thermoregulation
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《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 05 Blood and Hemopoiesis
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一、概述 1、生殖腺睾丸(testis); 2、生殖管道附睾,输精管,射精管,尿道;
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一、概述 组成及功能 1、卵巢(ovary):产生卵子,分泌女性激素; 2、输卵管输送卵子,受精;
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一、消化管道的一般结构:管壁分4层。 A.粘膜(Mucosa):结构最复杂,体现消化管道各段的功能
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