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1. Compare Stearns' Type 1 fracture pattern to the okl and the hk0 joints from the class notes and from the text. Draw a diagram and discuss the nature and occurrence of the fracture(s)
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Geology 3063 august 28. 2000 How can tabular-planar crossbeds be used to determine younging direction?
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1. Place all books and notes on the floor. 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again. 3. ThinkThinkThinkThinkThink
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:39.71KB 文档页数:5
1. Place all books and notes on the floor. 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again. 3. ThinkThinkThinkThinkThink
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1. Place all books and notes on the floor. 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:34.12KB 文档页数:5
1. Place all books and notes on the foor 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again 3. Think before you write
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1. What is the significance of the concept of \principal stress\? 2. Sketch a 2D stress ellipse for the case 01=5GPa and 02= 2GPa where 01 is vertical
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1. Draw a 2 dimensional Mohr Circle representation for the following stress conditions
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1. Calculate the force at the base of a continental block that has a uniform thickness of 25km, length of1000km, width of500km, and density of2.70. What is the stress on the bottom of the block?
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:31.81KB 文档页数:3
Complete the block diagrams for the following features. Be sure to include the appropriate map symbols on your drawings. Inclined anticline with hinge surface
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