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Plot the bode diagram of a complex system Write the transfer function of system through the bode diagram
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上海交通大学:《生产计划与控制 Production Planning and Control》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)chap01 Production System and Operations Strategy 3. Organization of Production System 4. Operations Management &Operations Strategy
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上海交通大学:《生产计划与控制 Production Planning and Control》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)chap01 Production System and Operations Strategy 1. Basic Conception of Production & Operations Management 2. Production System and its Classification
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Political Economy of Money and Finance:Monetary System and Exchange Rate)Prolegomena to the Choice of an International Monetary System
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Textures in different layers of superconductors based on YBGO system are analyzed using the methods of pole figure and conventional Φ scans. It is shown that the Φ scanning technology has only 1-dimensional description and could omit some information of 3-dimensional orientation distribution, which will in-fluence the superconductor quality. The pole figure method, in contrast, demonstrates the orientation distribution 2-dimensionally and gives a comprehensive view of thin film texture, which is a much better method for texture analysis in superconducting films,in which there is commonly an unique high sharpness texture com-ponent
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A mathematical model of kinetics of carbide layer formed on the surface of steel in fused system was set up with the theory of non-stable diffusion mass transfer and regular solution sub-lattice. This model was analyzed and testified by the experiments in which the VC layers were formed on four kinds of steels as steel 45, 4Cr5Mo-SiV1, T10, and Crl2MoV immersed in the V2O5-Na2O-B2O5 fused system with the reducing agent of silicon. The results showed that there was a good agreement between the model and the experimental results; the growth speed of carbide layer depended on the factors of carbon activity in substrate, treatment temperature, kinds of carbides and its structure
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Being aimed to developing intermetallic base structural materials to be worked at above 1000℃, a systematic investigation has been performed of the fundamental crystallographic structure, phase constitution map, density-composition dependence, oxidation resistance and general mechanical behaviour for the ternary intermetallic alloys in the Nb-Ti-Al system. Promissing results have been obtained at the initial stage in the current program. The 1100℃ high temperature strength at the strain rate of 10-2/s and 10-5/s for the ternary compound NbTiAl3 (γ1) base alloys are generally much higher than that of the binary compound TiAl (γ), especially in the γ1 + α2 phase region, it is as high as twice as that of TiAl. The densities are 4.1-4.79g/cm3, depending on relative amount of the intermetallics involved and the density difference between the intermetallics. The oxidation resistance at th
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The economic emergence of a fixed exchange rate periphery in Asia has reestablished the United States as the center country in the Bretton Woods international monetary system. We argue that the normal evolution of the international monetary system involves the emergence of a periphery for which the development strategy is export-led growth supported by undervalued exchange rates
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1 Introduction 2 Deterministic Dynamic Programming and Viscosity Solutions 3 Stochastic Control 3.1 Some Probability Theory 3.2 Controlled State Space Models 3.3 Filtering 3.4 Dynamic Programming - Case I : Complete State Information 3.5 Dynamic Programming - Case II : Partial State Information 3.6 Two Continuous Time Problems 4 Robust Control 4.1 Introduction and Background 4.2 The Standard Problem of H∞ Control 4.3 The Solution for Linear Systems 4.4 Risk-Sensitive Stochastic Control and Robustness 5 Optimal Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 5.1 Preliminaries 5.2 The Feedback Control Problem 5.3 Conditional Dynamics 5.4 Optimal Control 5.5 Appendix: Formulas for the Two-State System with Feedback Example 6 Optimal Risk-Sensitive Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 6.1 System Model 6.2 Risk-Neutral Optimal Control 6.3 Risk-Sensitive Optimal Control 6.4 Control of a Two Level Atom 6.5 Control of a Trapped Atom
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