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(一)、资源的稀缺性 (二)、选择的必要 (三)、制度的假定
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第八章市场失灵和微观经济政策 一、垄断的存在 ニ、外在性及其解决方法 三、公共物品和市场失灵 四、信息经济学
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前面的学习我们知道,价格等因素的 变动会引起需求量的变化,这里我们将进 步研究像“价格变动1%,会引起需求量 变动百分之几?”诸如此类的问題
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一、逆向选择事前信息不对称 二、道德风险事后信息不对称
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1.何谓 Multicollinearity =Xb+a One of the conditions for ols: Tadde+k12
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Chapter Organization Introduction The Concept of Comparative Advantage A One-Factor Economy Trade in a One-Factor World Comparative Advantage with Many Goods Adding Transport Costs and Nontraded Goods Summary
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Introduction What is International Economics About? International Economics: Trade and Money
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Introduction The Specific Factors Model International Trade in the Specific Factors Model Income Distribution and the Gains from Trade The Political Economy of Trade: A Preliminary View Summary
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Chapter Organization Introduction Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy Globalization and Low-Wage Labor Summary
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Chapter Organization Introduction Import-Substituting Industrialization Problems of the Dual Economy Export-Oriented Industrialization: The East Asian Miracle Summary
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