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一、两点间的相对位置判别 1、根据它们在投影图中的各组同面投影来判断,即:
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作用:将旋转运动转换为直线运动 类型:滑动螺旋传动、滚动螺旋传动、静压螺旋传动 功能:可实现测量、调整、传递运动和动力 举例一一各种工作台、光学仪器的对焦系统、车床的进给
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一、中心投影法 二、平行投影法 1 正投影法 2 斜投影法
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Chap. 9.1 Characteristics and Application Chap.9.2 Structure Analysis Chap.9.3 Kinematics of Open Chain Mechanisms Investigate and Review by Students
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Chap.8.1 Classification Chap.8.2 Application
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Chap.7.1 Universal joints Chap. 7.2 Screw mechanisms Chap.7.3 Transmission mechanism using friction Chap. 7.4 Mechanism with flexible elements Chap. 7.5 Hydraulic and pneumatic mechanism Investigate and Review by Students
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Chap. 6.1 Ratchet mechanisms Chap. 6.2 Geneva mechanisms Chap. 6.3 Cam-type index mechanisms Chap. 6.4 Intermittent gearset
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Chap. 5.1 Introduction Chap. 5.2 The fundamental law of gearing Chap.5.3 Gear tooth nomenclature Chap. 5.4 Condition for Correct Meshing Chap. 5.5 Contact Ratio Chap.5.6 Interference and undercutting Chap. 5.7 Gear types and Application Chap. 5.8 Ordinary gear trains Chap.5.9 Epicyclic or planetary gear trains Chap. 5.10 Applications of gear train
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4.1 Introduction 4.2 Classification of Cam Mechanisms 4.3 Cam Nomenclature 4.4 Motion events 4.5 Graphical Synthesis of Cam Contour 4.6 Analysis Synthesis of Cam Contour 4.7 Considerations of Cam Mechanisms Synthesis
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