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The Open Economy in the SR The Mundell-Fleming Model Model under floating ex-rate Model under fixed ex-rate Interest-rate- differentials Debate over floating v.s. fixed ex-rate Mundell-Fleming model with changing price level Model in large open economy
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The Open Economy Why do countries trade with each other? \No nation was ever ruined by trade.\ -- Benjamin Franklin More varieties; higher quality; cheaper price
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Government Debt Scale of govern. debt Is budget deficit correctly measured? Traditional view of govern. Debt Ricardian equivalence Other possible effects of govern. debt
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The Macroeconomic Policy Debate William McChesney Martin The fed.'s job is to take away the punch bowl just as the party gets going 联储的工作是在宴会进行时拿走盛满酒的酒杯。 The economy is inherently unstable
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Inflation, Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve Phillips Curve: relationship between inflation and unemployment A..Phillips (1958) \The relationship between unemployment and the rate of change of money wages in the united kingdom, 1861- 1957,\ Economica 25
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一、逆向选择事前信息不对称 二、道德风险事后信息不对称
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在城市中,住宅是城市的一个重要组成 部分,在城市建设中占有很大的比重, 也是房地产的最大部分。由于人人都需 要住房,所以城市住宅经济是一个与每 个城市居民都有关的经济问题。本章将 介绍住宅的特征与属性,住宅的需求与 供给,住宅的流通
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一、单项选择题 1、狭义的公共部门是指() A、各类公共组织B、各级政府部门及组织C、各种公营企业D、各种公用事业部门
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1.何谓 Multicollinearity =Xb+a One of the conditions for ols: Tadde+k12
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1. Recall the assumption for the CMLRM: (Homoskedasticity) 2. Counterexamples 1、rich family and poor family expenditures; 2、large company and small company sales. There exists heteroskedasticity in lots of econometric problems
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