The Open Economy in the SR The Mundell-Fleming Model Model under floating ex-rate Model under fixed ex-rate Interest-rate- differentials Debate over floating v.s. fixed ex-rate Mundell-Fleming model with changing price level Model in large open economy
The Open Economy Why do countries trade with each other? \No nation was ever ruined by trade.\ -- Benjamin Franklin More varieties; higher quality; cheaper price
Government Debt Scale of govern. debt Is budget deficit correctly measured? Traditional view of govern. Debt Ricardian equivalence Other possible effects of govern. debt
The Macroeconomic Policy Debate William McChesney Martin The fed.'s job is to take away the punch bowl just as the party gets going 联储的工作是在宴会进行时拿走盛满酒的酒杯。 The economy is inherently unstable
Inflation, Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve Phillips Curve: relationship between inflation and unemployment A..Phillips (1958) \The relationship between unemployment and the rate of change of money wages in the united kingdom, 1861- 1957,\ Economica 25
1. Recall the assumption for the CMLRM: (Homoskedasticity) 2. Counterexamples 1、rich family and poor family expenditures; 2、large company and small company sales. There exists heteroskedasticity in lots of econometric problems