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一、城市化的概念 二、城市化的推进机制 三、城市化的规律 四、城镇体系的结构 五、城镇体系的形成与发展
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一、模型设定偏误的类型 二、模型设定偏误的后果 三、模型设定偏误的检验
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一、滞后变量模型 二、分布滞后模型的参数估计 三、自回归模型的参数估计 四、格兰杰因果关系检验
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一、厂商 二、生产函数 三、一种生产要素的连续合理投入 四、两种要素连续同比例增加投入 五、等成本线 六、生产者均衡 七、规模报酬
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8.1财务会计报告概述 8.2资产负债表 8.3利润表 8.4现金流量表
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LAW OF ITERATED EXPECTATIONS Law of Iterated Expectations Theorem 1 Law of iterated expectation.s The notation Er[ indicates the expectation over the value of a Example
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Expectations and Conditional Expectations Definition 1 Discrete Random Variable random wariable is discrete f the set of outcomes is either finite in number or countably
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Review Conditional pdf Let(Y1,., YN) have joint pdf f(31,.. JN). Let f(3J+1, .. yN)be the marginal pdf of(y+1,……,YN). The conditional pdf of y1,…, Y, given y+1,…, YN is defined by
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Review Problems for Midterm 1 Least Squares 1. In the linear regression model
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Chapter 7 Functional Form and Structural Change 7.1 Using binary variable Example 1 Earnings equation for married women
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