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The speed of sound Sound waves are longitudinal mechanical waves that can travel through solids, liquids, or gases. The speed of a sound wave in medium(having bulk modulus(容变弹性模量)and density p) is:
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Chapter 28 Inductance and Electromagnetic Oscillations 1. Self and Mutual Induction 2. Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
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11.1 概述 11.2 D/A转换器 11.3 A/D转换器
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10.1 概述 10.2 施密特触发器 10.3 单稳态触发器 10.4 多谐振荡器 10.5 555定时器及其应用
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7.1 概述 7.2 只读存储器( ROM ) 7.3 随机存储器( RAM ) 7.4 存储器容量的扩展 7.5 用存储器实现组合逻辑函数
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3.1 概述 3.2 半导体二极管门电路 3.3 CMOS门电路 3.4 其它类型的MOS集成电路 3.5 TTL门电路
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Chapter 27 Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday's Law 1. The Law of Electromagnetic Induction (电磁感应定律) 2. Motional Induced EMF (动生和感生电动势)
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Chapter 33 Early Quantum Theory and Models of the Atom 1. Planck's Quantum Hypothesis 2. The Photoelectric Effect 3. Compton Effect 4. Wave Nature of Matter
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Chapter 29 Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 1. Displacement Current Ampere-Max' Law 2. Maxwell's Equation 3. Electromagnetic Waves
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本书对在我国延承了几十年的传统的线性代数教材作了重大的改革。主要是强调了把它的工程应用 放在首位,本书的取名“工程线性代数”目的就在于此。所以能做到这点,关键是采用了20世纪末的最 新科技成就,把科学计算软件MATLAB用于线性代数教学。它与传统教材的差别体现在以下几个方面
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