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Historically, sterile bulk pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, prior to filling operations, have followed general bulk pharmaceutical guidelines. As technology and equipment have improved
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The widespread use of advanced control and process automation for biochemical applications has been lagging as compared with industries such as refining and petrochemicals whose feedstocks are relatively easy to characterize and whose chemistry is well understood and whose measure￾ments are relatively
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Environmental laws and regulations including permits are reviewed in this chapter. Included are the Federal Clean Air Act Amendment (CAAA), the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) regulations, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) or, as it is also known, the Solid Waste Disposal
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n 1850 Thompson['] reported the first ion exchange applications which used naturally occurring clays. However, ion exchange resins have only been used in biochemical and fermentation product recovery since the
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Liquid-liquid extraction is a unit operation frequently employed in the pharmaceutical industry, as in many others, for recovery and purification of a desired ingredient from the solution in which it was prepared. Extraction may also be used to remove impurities from a feed stream
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must also consider heating andor cooling requirements as well as to deliver the desired head pressure to overcome hydraulic pressure drop. Operating costs must also consider equipment maintenance, cost of cleaning chemicals and labor costs
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BIOREACTORS FOR PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURES (by Shinsaku Takayama) ...... 3.1 Background of the Technique-Historical Overview
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The solids-liquid separation process can be accomplished by filtration or centrifugation. Centrifuges magnify the force of gravity to separate phases, solids from liquids or one liquid from another. There are two general types of centrifuges: Sedimentation Centrifuges-where a heavy phase settles out from a lighter phase
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Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook Figure 20. Photograph of radial flow impeller in a baffled tank in the laminar region, made by passing a thin plane of light through the center of the tank
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生物技术的四大支柱 基因工程 细胞工程 酶工程 发酵工程 生物技术 (生物工程)
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